
Centrul pentru politici și analize în sănătate

TB-REP 2.0: Promovarea îngrijirii de calitate TB centrate pe necesitățile persoanelor - de la noul model de îngrijire spre îmbunătățirea detectării precoce a TB-DR și a rezultatelor tratamentului

MY VICTORY STORY: First of all, doctors should perceive a person not o ..

09.10.2020 10:34:45

“I am grateful for everything that happened to me in my life,” she frankly spoke about the fight against tuberculosis and the difficulties she had to ..

AFEW_Kyrgyzstan launched #OneImpact in Kyrgyz language

09.10.2020 10:27:11

Now a convenient mobile application is available for people with TB and their families in the Kyrgyz Republic, by the means of which they will be able ..

TBpeople Ukraine expands the geography of OneImpact in Ukraine

09.10.2020 10:20:39

The Tbpeople Ukraine team held a new informational seminar on the capacities of the OneImpact application for people affected by tuberculosis in the c ..

Trainings on the use of OneImpact app in hospitals continue in Azerbai ..

09.10.2020 10:04:28

Another "Saglamliga Khidmat" focus training was successfully completed. This time, OneImpact Azerbaijan trainers Samira Mammadova and Zulfugar Abulkha ..

In Ukraine, the #oneimpact application is actively increasing its user ..

09.10.2020 09:53:07

In Ukraine, educational activities led by health workers and coordinated by Tbpeople Ukraine continue to present the possibilities and benefits of the ..

A future free from hepatitis and tuberculosis

09.10.2020 09:42:16

Today, on the World Hepatitis Day, the new awareness campaign lead by the World Health Organization (WHO) underlines the importance of the concept of ..

TB-REP 2.0 Moldova update

09.10.2020 09:33:12

Moldovan Society Against Tuberculosis - SMIT prepared an essential publication in Romanian "Patient's card: THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF A PATIENT WI ..

News OneImpact Ukraine

09.10.2020 09:27:56

Since April, the OneImpact app has been offering the opportunity for users to take a survey on # COVID19, as well as to report on barriers related to ..

WHO urges countries to enable access to fully-oral drug-resistant TB t ..

09.10.2020 09:22:57

World Health Organization (WHO) is urging countries to facilitate access to fully-oral treatment regimens for patients with multidrug-resistant tuber ..

În perioada 23-24 septembrie 2020 a avut loc o întâlnire online a lide ..

30.09.2020 12:37:14

Stela Bivol, directorul Centrului PAS, a prezentat la reuniunea oficiului regional al OMS pentru Europa o imagine de ansamblu asupra evaluării risculu ..

AFEW Кыргызстан и «Сообщество против туберкулеза» в Кыргызстане

23.09.2020 11:07:43

Команда AFEW Кыргызстан продолжает работу в направлении борьбы с туберкулезом в Республике, реализуя проект «Сообщество против туберкулеза» при поддер ..

ВОЗ и Центр PAS создали виртуальный медицинский консилиум для поддержк ..

22.09.2020 11:22:39

Европейское Региональное Бюро ВОЗ при поддержке Центра Политики и Исследований в Здравоохранении (PAS Center) в рамках Регионального проекта TB REP 2. ..