
Center For Health Policies and Studies

TB-REP 2.0: Advancing People-Centered Quality TB Care - From the New Model of Care Towards Improving DR-TB Early Detection and Treatment Outcomes

TBpeople Ukraine expands the geography of OneImpact in Ukraine

TBpeople Ukraine expands the geography of OneImpact in Ukraine

10/9/2020 10:20 AM

The Tbpeople Ukraine team held a new informational seminar on the capacities of the OneImpact application for people affected by tuberculosis in the city of Kherson.

The training event was attended by patients of the phthisiopulmonary medical center, which is located in the capital of the Kherson region. People were introduced to the features and benefits of using the OneImpact app.

Within the framework of the seminar, the emphasis was made on the fact that users of the application can find information in an accessible form on:

  • their rights,
  • access to medical, social and legal services,
  • possibilities and ways to actively counteract stigma and discrimination against people who have faced tuberculosis.

In addition, the application will let the patients report the barriers they encounter during treatment, while the TBpeople Ukraine team, in turn, will ensure a prompt response to appeals with the update of the issue, both at the national and local levels and will promote changes and advocate for the reform of the TB service aimed at meeting the needs of people.

We should mention the importance of the sustained interest of the medical institution and the partnership with NGOs in promoting such a unique advocacy resource as OneImpact. Thus, the seminar was conducted by a medical worker of the institution, who had previously completed special training provided by TBpeople Ukraine.

The implementation and promotion of the mobile application in Ukraine is carried out by TBpeople Ukraine, within the framework of the TB-REP 2.0 project "Advancing People-Centered Quality TB Care: From the New Model of Care towards Improving DR-TB Early Detection and Treatment Outcomes" with the support of the Center for Health Policies and Studies.

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